Prayer Breakfast

Prayer Breakfast

Join us for Pan African Religion, prayer and spirituality Breakfast,When: May 25th at 8.30 AM to 10 AMWhere: El Shaddai World Evangelism Ministry, 3307 Broadway, Sacramento, CA 95817
Online Grant writing workshop

Online Grant writing workshop

Grant writing workshop for African Diaspora nonprofit organizations.When: June 4th at 6.30 PM online Register Now on Eventbrite Learning Outcomes: Types of grants Key Proposal development tips and skills Different funding sources for nonprofit activities and programs,...
Sacramento Pan African Film Festival

Sacramento Pan African Film Festival

Join us to for an exciting PAN African Film Festival on Thursday 4/27 and Friday 4/28 at Sac State Screenings – Redwood Room and at Palace Restaurant, 2645 El Camino Ave, Ste A, Sacramento, CA 95821 Pan African Film Festival in Sacramento
Join Today

Join Today

For 100 dollars a year, you become a member of Africa House Sacramento, with special privileges. Committee MemberIncludes invitation to one general AHS meeting per year,voting rights of up to 20% of Board Membership for theBoard of Directors, Recognition for...
2nd Annual Ubuntu Dinner Fundraiser

2nd Annual Ubuntu Dinner Fundraiser

Click Here to Book Tickets on Eventbrite Africa House Sacramento’s 2nd Annual Ubuntu Dinner Fundraiser! Celebrate with us Saturday 10/21/2023 from 6:00pm – 11:00pm. Enjoy authentic African culture, cuisine, entertainment awards and acknowledgements....